I started studying gene technology at the University of Tartu in 2002, where my first study subject was fis gene promoter area of Pseudomonas putida under supervision of Dr. Riho Teras and professor Maia Kivisaar Chair of Genetics. For my Master’s degree I moved to the department of Physiology. Under supervision of professor Sulev Kõks and professor Külli Kingo I studied vitiligo and its association with pro-inflammatory cytokines – interleukin 10 family cytokines and their receptors. I continued studying vitiligo during my doctoral studies, where in addition to cytokines, I focused on cutaneous neuroendocrine system and its role in vitiligo pathogenesis. After finishing my PhD in neuroscience in 2012 I continued working with professor Sulev Kõks – I became a research fellow of pathophysiology and also the head of the core facility of clinical genomics.
I have participated in different projects in collaboration with Tartu University Hospital. We have studied vitiligo, psoriasis, Parkinson’s disease, different bone and muscle diseases, cardiovascular system. Between 2009 and 2016 I also worked as a researcher of genomics in the Department of Reproductive Biology of the Estonian University of Life Sciences – our projects were mostly associated with cattle and their reproductive health. My main competency in these projects was the next generation sequencing – whole genome, whole exome and whole transcriptome sequencing. Since February 2017, I am working as a research fellow of clinical genomics and personalised medicine under the supervision of professor Alireza Fazeli. My main study object is psoriasis and its biomarkers for clinical diagnostics and treatment strategies.
ETIS: Ene Reimann
e-mail: ene.reimann@ut.ee