We are pleased to invite you to a two-day symposium
EXTRACELLULAR VESICLES IN PATHOPHYSIOLOGY | New advances in the development of diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in health and disease
that will take place on December 3-4, 2020
as and hybrid event – in a VIRTUAL room and in room 1020 at CHEMICUM, Tartu, Estonia.
The third symposium of TransGeno is aimed to gather lecturers and experts from different EV related research fields to illustrate different methods of cell-cell communication and its effects on cellular function as well as the role that they can play in the diagnosis and therapies of patients. TransGeno ERA Chair has set an objective to host symposiums to bring prominent experts in the field to exchange the most recent knowledge in this growing field and advance research cooperation with the University of Tartu.
The symposium will feature the following sessions:
- – Characterization of EVs
- – EVs in diagnostics and therapeutics
- – EVs in cancer
For more information about lectures, topics and for registering please visit the symposium’s website http://www.transgeno2020.ut.ee