You are kindly invited to participate in Science Day held by the Faculty of Medicine for doctoral students and their supervisors
at 29.–30.11.2019 in Trofee jahimaja.
Science Day is an excellent way for Ph.D. students to practice presenting their scientific work and network with other Ph.D. students. This year the key presenters are young scientists or post-docs who will come to share their experience working abroad and working in collaboration. Ph.D. students will have the opportunity to present their scientific work with short (one-slide, 3 +2 minutes) talks. It is important to introduce yourself and what you do. Please also take your posters with you! Best oral and poster presenters will be awarded.
Registration and abstract submission are needed, please register yourself here.
For more information about the event, presenters and schedule please visit the event’s webpage.
The event will be free of charge to doctorate students and their supervisors (Taltech and University of Life sciences). We can also, thanks to, prof Alireza Fazeli, support special cases in doctoral studies.
For more information contact: teaduspaev@gmail.com
This event is organized by the Doctoral School of Clinical Medicine, supported by the European Union, European Regional Development Fund (University of Tartu’s ASTRA project PER ASPERA), and by the University of Tartu TransGeno ERA Chair (European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 668989).